The 1921 Constitution (Selections)
1. Sovereignty is vested in the nation without condition. Governmental system is based on the principle of self-determination and government by people.
2. Executive power and legislative responsibility is exercised by and concentrated in the hands of the Grand National Assembly which is the sole and real representative of the nation.
3. The Turkish State is governed by the Grand National Assembly and its government is titled as "the Government of Grand National Assembly."
4. The Grand National Assembly is composed of members who are elected by people of the provinces.
5. Elections to the Grand National Assembly is held every two year. Duration of membership  is limited to two years but reelection of a member is possible.  The former assembly remains in office until the new assembly convenes. When holding a new election seemed to be impossible legislative period can be extended only one year. Each member of the Grand National Assembly is not only representative of the province by which s/he is elected but of the whole nation.
6. General Assembly of the Grand National Assembly convenes of its own accord on the first day of November.
7. The basic rights of the application of the ordinances of the sacred law; the promulgation, amendment, and abrogation of all laws; the concluding of treaties and peace; the promulgation of the defence of the fatherland (i.e., the declaration of war) belong to the Grand National Assembly. The preparation of laws and regulations will be guided by juridical and religious provisions, which best conform to the modus operandi of the people and the needs of the times, as well as established customs. The functions and responsibilities of the Council of Ministers shall be fixed by a special law.
8. The government of the Grand National Assembly exercises the executive function through ministers who were elected according to its special law. The Grand National Assembly directs the ministers on executive affairs and changes them when necessary.
9. The Head of the Grand National Assembly who was elected by the General Assembly is the head of the GNA for one electoral period. With this status, he is entitled to sign on behalf of the Assembly and to approve the decisions of the Council of Ministers. The Council of Ministers elects one member from among themselves as the head of the Council of Ministers. However, the Head of the GNA is natural head of the Council of Ministers.
10. Administration
11-14.  Vilayat (Provinces)
15. Kaza (Town)
16-21. Nahiye (Administrative unit smaller than town but bigger than village)
22-23. Umumi Müfettislik (General Inspectorship)
Provisional Article (Explains effective date of articles)

Unauthorized translation of OFG, November 2003